WorkOne Indy's full-service office is located at 4410 N. Shadeland Avenue, and we have partner service locations all over Indy! Click to learn more.
Tools that help you on your career path
We have organized helpful links to a variety of free tools that you can utilize for your job search and career development.
Job Search
Browse a variety of websites and tools where you can learn how your skills transfer from one job to another, interview tips, and more.
What You'll Find Inside:
- STAR Technique
- Jobscan
Career Readiness
Get started by utilizing resources that will help you stay focused and prepare for your next job.
What You'll Find Inside:
- Workforce Readiness Reference
- Virtual Trainings & Webinars
- Indiana Career Ready
- Indiana Career Connect
Voter Registration
Job seekers can use the link below to be connected to Indiana voter registration information and services.
Employability Skills
Learn about employability skills and discover tips on ways that you can better improve your skills and engage employers.
What You'll Find Inside:
- Skills Benchmarks
Adult Education & Training
Receive the education and training required for today’s workforce.
What You’ll Find Inside:
- Adult Ed Programs & Providers
- High School Equivalency
- English Language Learning
- Career Training By Sector

“The experience with WorkOne Indy has been one of the best experiences in my life, with something to show for my efforts. They all saw something in me that I couldn’t see in myself.”